Tuesday, August 21, 2007


Hi. Call me Twinge.

This is a word that comes up over and over again in the world of infertility. A twinge when you want to be pregnant could be a sign of ovulation, a sign that a pregnancy is taking hold, a sign that something is going wrong, or maybe just that twinge of emotion from wanting something so much.

I've read and read and read about the condition of 'subfertility' and now I need an outlet to process all of that. I started a journal, but I type much faster than I write. It's such an intensely personal subject, and it might seem strange that I've chosen such a public platform. I don't mind sharing all of this as long as I can anonymously hide out on Vox behind a nickname for a while.

We've only told one person in the whole wide real world out there that we are trying to have a baby. And after I told her, we found out that we are 'subfertile'. So now she knows that, too. But really, there's only so much she and my husband can take of this subject.

What about my mom or my sisters? In the spirit of anonymous blogging, I'm going to admit that my family can be a pain in the ass and I don't want them to know until I'm safely in my second trimester, should that time ever arrive. Oh, don't worry about the details of my family right now. They'll be the subject of many posts to come, I think.

So if you've found me, hi. I'd be happy to chat with you, about anything. Books, TV, politics... whatever. Send me a note or post a comment. And I hope I'll be seeing you again.

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