Tuesday, November 10, 2009


As part of the IVF process, I have to have my blood drawn every week to check hormone levels. For those of you who haven't done IVF, this is because the normal hormones are shut down during the cycle and have to be supplemented until the body can take care of it on its own. I went off of the supplemental hormones a while ago, but they need to keep an eye on the levels until they are sure that the placenta has taken over and is doing its job.

I just got the call from the clinic - no more weekly blood tests for me! Yet another milestone we've never reached before.


My gratitude journal said...

Gratz!!! That's very exciting! I'm sure you'll make great parents :)

Jill M. said...

Wow, you're already off all supplemental hormone support? I'm 7w6d today and they haven't even started weaming me yet. I thought the placenta didn't take over until 10-12 weeks? You are so lucky, I can't wait to get off all of these.

Sprudeln said...

This cycle has been very surprising. For round 1, I had only pessaries, rounds 2 and 3 I had both pessaries and PIO, and this round they took me off of the pessaries quite early (not long after 6 weeks). I guess it all depends on how the corpus luteum forms, and this time it simply formed well.

Anonymous said...

Excellent news!!!! Woop woop!

emmazine said...

I miss the Facebook "Like" button here ;-)