Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So Much for NaBloPoMo


I knew trying to keep up with two blogs would be too much for slacker me. But I have a good reason for going AWOL - we celebrated Thanksgiving on Saturday and I was cooking a ginormous feast for 8. Sunday, Mr. and I had one of our rare fights and I just didn't feel like posting. What could I say? That we were fighting over leftovers? Because we were. And it was totally stupid.

There are big things afoot in the G household tomorrow. Again, the doocing, so I can't say exactly what. But keep your fingers crossed that it works out. And I'll explain when I can. :)


1 comment:

Sprudeln said...

The big thing that was afoot: a new job. Which I got. And happily took. Still employed there, nearly 2 years later.