Sunday, November 18, 2007

Idiot Anonymous

Hi, my name is Beth, and I'm an idiot.

*Hi Beth*

I'm setting myself up again for a huge disappointment. I don't want to be one of those crazy women who posts every last little symptom and sign: could I be? am I? am I not?. I think I've said that quite a bit before. So I guess I also should locate the nearest chapter of Boring Repetitious Bloggers Anonymous. But I'm not here to talk about that, I'm here to share my latest tale of idiocy.

I have a very, very regular cycle. This cycle is turning out not to be so regular. And my heart is saying "neener neener" and doing that thumb-to-nose finger-waving thing to my brain. My brain is getting rather pissed off at such a juvenile display and is kind of hankering to bitch-slap my heart when it's not looking, but the brain has no arms and can't reach that far so that's kind of a stupid thing for a brain to want to do.

I went searching through my apartment for one of my cheap pregnancy tests this morning. The only one I could find was the expensive-ish one, and I'm not about to pee on 8 euros just because I'm an idiot. I may well be an idiot, but I'm a frugal idiot who is planning three vacations and IVF. So now we're at the waiting stage - waiting for the cramps, spotting, and temperature drop that I expected a day or two ago. Two more days to wait and then we'll see.

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