Monday, November 19, 2007

The Good News and the Bad News

I'll start with the bad. Mr. got his second semen analysis results via telephone yesterday and they are worse. To recap the last results: less than a million total and all have very poor morphology. The doc told Mr. over the phone that we should make an appointment because ICSI may not even be an option. Yeah, that super attitude is why our appointment in December is with another clinic, one that likes to share stories of how they found two lonely sperm in a sample and still created a pregnancy.

Now for the good - or at least not bad. It is 14 days past ovulation, which is two days longer than normal, and my temperature is still quite above the coverline, although a little lower than yesterday and the day before. I have no signs of my usual cramps or spotting or any of that. Yeah, combined with the results from yesterday, this is weird.

So, if nothing occurs by tomorrow morning, I'm breaking out that test. :) Thanks for the good wishes!

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