Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Shushy McJudge, at your service

I know kids don't need a whole lot of material stuff. I know parenting has very little to do with what you can physically provide for your children.

But (you knew that was coming, right?), when you are posting on a fertility board about whether or not ovulation predictor kits can be used as pregnancy tests because you have zero dollars until your husband gets paid next week and so can't afford a pregnancy test... that might be a sign that now is not the best time for you to bring a life into this world.

Same goes for the lady who requested your cheapest recipes, who then replies that they aren't cheap enough because she's already having to cut back to feed her family of four. Again - is now really the best time to add a fifth?

I don't want to sound like a snob, but is reality at all entering their reproductive choices? When you are struggling to provide even the basics like, uh, food, it might be wise to postpone taking on further obligations.

I'm kind of surprised at the number of women who are posting like this. I'm kind of shocked at the number who post about their husband's mental abuse (it's totally my inference that it's mental abuse, but hey... when a guy tells you you are stupid and no one else will have you... it's not a huge leap.)

And now Paris Hilton is talking babies. Did any of them really think this whole thing through?

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