Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A cycle without drugs (at least not many of them)

We did a frozen embryo transfer (FET) cycle this month. Three were thawed, two survived and were transferred. I'm in the two week wait. Beta is scheduled for Feb 6th.

There's been nothing to post on that front: I went for one ultrasound and bloodwork, and a week later they did the transfer. The only drugs I'm taking are oral estrogen and vaginal progesterone. No needles, constant blood testing, or daily transvaginal magic wanding.

Rather boring, wouldn't you say?

We became the live-in can openers for two 14-year-old cats just after Christmas, and one of them has decided this week that my life is far too boring. He has decided to protest Elvis-only-knows-what by peeing on the dining room table and pooping near my husband or his proxy (yesterday near his slippers, this morning on the windowsill behind the sofa where he was sitting).

What a nasty little man. Too bad for us that he's too flippin cute and we are already in love with him. Why does his teensy, cold heart not have room for two goofy bipeds?

Mr Twinge thinks they are mad because we kind of kick them around a bit when we are sleeping. A goofy biped might think that sleeping next to big feet in a small bed is not optimal. Perhaps the felines feel that we are impolite guests in their home.

I don't want to pay for more IVF psychological counseling if I don't have to (freakin expensive), but now I have to dish out for a cat psychologist. I'm literally pussy whipped.

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