Thursday, July 28, 2005

GTA, PTC, and SAP (Stupid Ass Parents)

An obviously insane woman bought Grand Theft Auto for her grandson and is only just now upset (and suing, of course) because he can unlock sex scenes in the game. Oh dear freakin' lord. It's a game where you can slice up prostitutes, bludgeon grannies with a baseball bat so hard that they go flying, and blow shotgun holes in cops in the police station. Sure, let little Bobby act out psychopathic scenarios, 'cause that won't warp a kid's brain, but draw the line at nookie. Mowing the woman down with a car after sex - fine. Sex - nooo! He'll certainly be messed up for life if he sees intercourse.

Those are some nice priorities, lady. By the way, does your insanity get in the way of your literacy? The game rating was printed on the box...

Related topic, sort of:
The Parents' Television Council is largely responsible for the surge in FCC indecency complaints, and most of them are related to sex, not violence. Their motto: "Because our children are watching."

Great. One minor flaw - my kids aren't watching because I don't have kids. How this works: you chose to be parents, therefore you have chosen the responsibility of guiding them through life, including turning off the damn TV. I chose not to have kids, and thanks to free speech laws I can have 24-hour porn beaming in to wide screen TVs throughout my house if I so choose. Really, I just want to enjoy a lovely alcoholic beverage and watch Sex and the City, but you want it off the air because you can't be bothered to take care of your own damn children. (Ha! I said 'damn'! Twice! Take that!)

Much better PTC motto: Because my children are watching and I'm too lazy to be watching them.

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