Sunday, August 10, 2008

Green Light

Green light to start IVF again! I have the prescriptions and started taking the birth control pills on Saturday. Then we decided to wait an extra month to start IVF again. We're waiting on purpose. I can't believe it... I want so very badly to get moving on this.

Mr Twinge will have to go on a business trip and he guesses it will be right around retrieval and transfer time. I already have plane tickets to London for a wedding - right around retrieval and transfer time. And we're trying to buy a condo. Guess when we'll have to pack and get the old apartment in shape? That's right - right around retrieval and transfer time. On top of all of that, my mother will be coming to stay with us right around retrieval and transfer time, and she still doesn't know about the IVF or miscarriage. I'm not sure if I'm ready to tell her about it, but there'd be no way to hide it while she's here.

So, looks like it's October for us. Damn it.

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